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Writer's pictureHannah's Hope

Accepting the Unexpected.

Finding out that your child will be born "different" is something that can, without a doubt, change your life as a parent and will have major effects on your family. Every situation is different and comes with its own benefits and challenges, but each family will need guidance and support when facing such a challenging period in life. The Center for Parent Information and Resources, wrote an article to help guide families in this situation by providing additional information to support the life cycle, health, and well-being of the family when a member has special needs. The journey that parents undertake is one that is rough at times, but the growth and progression experienced helps push them through. Many parents describe this experience as a pendulum, with swinging emotions and information coming at them from all angles. What proves to be the most helpful in a lot of situations is advice from parents who have already successfully raised a child in a similar situation. Joining a group with parents similar to you will provide you with insight and information as well as support. By joining a group, you might also find out about helpful services in your area. There are services out there like early intervention services and special education services that are helpful in situations when the challenges that a family faces change as the child grows and matures. On top of caring for the needs of the child, it is also important every member of the family is equally valued. As parents, you are the heart and soul of the family and everyone else in the unit feeds off of your energy. check in with one another and make sure everyone feels valued and their needs are met. Let no member of the family unit go unnoticed, siblings, grandparents, and other caregivers can be affected by the introduction of a family with differing needs. Working with a professional and surrounding yourself with teachers and friends who will support both you and your child will greatly improve the weight felt by any challenges that you face.

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